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(spoken word?)
We all have a right to disagree
Fact is, We all just want to be free
The Bill of Rights on which we stand
Keeps our Freedom in the land
The foundation we’ve been fighting for
Is being chipped away at the core
I beg you, don’t resort to hate
It’s time for all to educate
The ones who run our lives for us
Are keeping watch and gaining trust
But wary are American hands
Whose ancestors blood made rich these lands
From battles waged throughout the years
and dreams forged from molten tears
we’re not so different after all
it’s just a trick to make us fall
we all just want to have our chance
to live our lives and enjoy the dance
don’t be fooled by the smoking mirror
it’s time to see the game plan clearer
what are you really fighting for
that warrants hating the man next door
C’mon People let’s all unite
Together we can win this fight
Let’s not pit one against the other
The secret is to love our brother
Learn from history what prevails
Don’t repeat divisive ills
And while the Bells of Freedom ring
Let us stand together and sing…
America, is still the place
Amazing grace across the United States
America is still the place
From Motor city to the everglades
America, is still the place
From Holly wood and thru the golden state
America, is still the place
From California to the empire state

It’s a dream that we can share together
Harbor of refuge for all humanity
The thing in common that brings us all together
A Land where we can all be free, yeah woo ooo

We the People,
How Sweet the sound
We the People,
How Sweet the sound
We the People, (we the people)
How Sweet the sound
We the People, (we the people)
How Sweet the sound
We the People, (we the people)
We the People, (we the people)
How Sweet the sound
We the People!

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